Techtonica (PM & Board Member)
Techtonica is a non-profit that partners with tech companies to provide free tech training,
laptops, living stipends, and job placement to women and non-binary adults with low incomes.
Black Sky Society (Co-Founder)
The goal of Black Sky is to allow self-sovereign individuals and communities to organize,
fund, and pursue projects and research that will minimize dystopia and maximize cosmic harmony.
Post-Web Nexus
Autonomous Ecologies
Hack the Hood (Educator)
Hack the hood provides youth and communities of color with tech skill-building programs
and career navigation support that are grounded in justice and ensure economic mobility.
Code2040 (Mentor)
Code2040 equips Black and Latinx technologists and their allies with the tools,
connections, and care they need to advocate for and achieve racial equity in the tech industry.
Reiki & Sekhem Master (Volunteer)
Reiki and Sekhem are forms of energy healing originating from Japan and
ancient Egypt.
As a certified Reiki & Sekhem Master, I provide healing sessions free of charge for those in need.
Astrus (Co-Founder)
Astrus enables communities, creatives, and individuals to showcase art, host
events and bring people together in a 3D virtual environment.
Shypwright (Co-Founder)
Full stack software consultancy specializing in machine learning, analytics,
control systems and cyber security.
UniGen Resources (VP Software Development)
Software control system pairing clean, renewable resources with a firming resource to form a
flexible power plant to predictably integrate more renewable energy into the grid.
Apple (Contract Software Engineer)
As a triple certified Extron engineer, I was the sole developer responsible for the
code currently controlling the AV systems in every Apple retail store in the world.